Practical Love for Manifestation

Hello everyone! This is Dr. Sara Spowart with Happiness LearnedJ I am here today to share with you some wonderful new questions from clients that I wanted to explore with you today. And please as always- feel free to send me any and all questions you may have! Something I have found interesting is that […]

The Value of Happiness & Becoming Aware of Our Own Energy- Step 1 

There is a power to awareness of our own energy. The problem is we get so caught up in it we don’t even realize we are entrenched already. This is how we get caught in traps, cycles and loops. Around and round, it goes, and we cycle over and over. Why does this matter? It […]

Freedom From Programs 

One of the important things to understand about our wellness and wellbeing is that it is intimately tied to our beliefs. But how do you even identify and see your beliefs? If something just seems like reality to you it can be hard to question it. It’s like if you were a fish in a […]

Pulling Your Energy Back In 

I get a lot of questions from clients on how to create the life they’d like for themselves. Part of this starts with deciding to commit to taking all your energy back in so that you have the fullest level of power and strength to attract or manifest what it is you are trying to […]

Sadness at the Holidays 

Why is there sadness sometimes at the holidays? Have you ever noticed this?? I have been flooded with clients the last couple weeks that are having severe depression, sadness and suicidal ideation. I would like to say this is unusual but unfortunately, it’s not. I tend to see spikes in suicidal ideation, severe depression and […]

Freedom From Roles and Should 

Today something I wanted to talk to you about was if we are programmed or not to be unhappy. What I mean by this is not that that we are programmed like robots or a computer exactly. It’s more that, what is normal, is being bombarded by ideas of how we should behave or be. […]

First Law of Attraction Show

Hello and welcome to the first Law of Attraction show. I would like to start off by saying I’m so excited to be here today, and I can’t wait to get started with this show and whatever direction this may all go. A little bit about me, I have my own private therapy and coaching […]

Suffering and the way out of suffering 

Since I was a child, I have tried to understand suffering and the causes of suffering. I have tried to make sense of what I see all around me and what is happening. I suppose it seemed to me that everyone ‘should’ be happy, healthy and feeling whole. But when I looked around me, this […]

Let Down

Have you ever had the experience of getting excited and feeling upbeat and energized, only to feel let down and disappointed? I remember when I was very young, like 7 or 8 years old, I don’t think anyone ever made a bigger deal out of Christmas and Santa Claus than I did. I went nuts […]