Getting Out of The Way
Getting yourself out of the way and being in a state of flow. What does it take to get yourself out of the way and have a connection to pure source and energy? In order to create the life you want and have more connection to source, it’s important to have your ego self out […]
You are A Creator LOA
It can be helpful to remember that you are more than you think, and I mean this in a good way. You have the ability to increase your level of awareness no matter what your circumstance or condition. But first it helps to reflect on whether you feel you are the creator in your life […]
Shine some love on it
Welcome to show 3! I’m so happy to have you hear and wish you all so much happiness, love and goodness in every part of your lives. Have you ever thought of yourself as a generator? Meaning, have you ever thought that you are a small energy machine. If we stop and think about it, […]