First Law of Attraction Show

Hello and welcome to the first Law of Attraction show. I would like to start off by saying I’m so excited to be here today, and I can’t wait to get started with this show and whatever direction this may all go. A little bit about me, I have my own private therapy and coaching […]

Suffering and the way out of suffering 

Since I was a child, I have tried to understand suffering and the causes of suffering. I have tried to make sense of what I see all around me and what is happening. I suppose it seemed to me that everyone ‘should’ be happy, healthy and feeling whole. But when I looked around me, this […]

Let Down

Have you ever had the experience of getting excited and feeling upbeat and energized, only to feel let down and disappointed? I remember when I was very young, like 7 or 8 years old, I don’t think anyone ever made a bigger deal out of Christmas and Santa Claus than I did. I went nuts […]

Getting Beyond Yourself :)

Hello to you! 🙂 So this post has come about because I just keep seeing so many people coming to me stuck in their unhappiness and cyclic ideas and feelings. They are ‘looping’ as I like to call it. They are stuck in thought, feeling, life patterns and habits and don’t even realize it (or […]

Happiness For No Reason At All!

Happiness for no reason at all! Happiness and joy are energies. When we can water these energies in ourselves they grow and grow until we realize suddenly we are just happy, without a reason. Or experiencing unconditional happiness 😃 that is not to say things aren’t bothering you. It’s more that you maintain an energy […]

Being Honest With Yourself

I just wanted to share today some thoughts I had about one of the most important parts of life I realized…and it’s being really honest with yourself. What I mean about being honest with yourself is recognizing, really recognizing, what is going on with you. One of the most common reactions to any difficult situation […]

It’s Ok To Not Be Ok

Hello Everyone! Today I wanted to write about something I felt I needed to share. It’s a strangely obvious realization but also one that is surprisingly challenging at times. So here it is… As the title of this blog says lol “it’s ok to not be ok”. What I mean by this is that it’s […]

Happiness During Challenging Times

Happiness isn’t something that is always based on your outside circumstances. You may have heard that it’s a choice. It is a choice but more than that it is also something that is an energy that you can tap into. Also, it is ok to give yourself permission to not be ‘happy’ sometimes and to […]

No Good Or Bad

I wanted to talk about the idea of questioning what is good or bad. What we label as “good” or “bad” can be a matter of duality and also confusion. It is something that is always changing depending on our perspectives. One of the best ways to understand the duality of good and bad is […]