
We’ve all been through a lot since the beginning of COVID. With something that seemed like it should have just been a passing concern, or maybe just 2-3 weeks of lockdown and then going back to normal, it’s been an ongoing, chronic stressor that has taken its toll on everyone. If you are someone that […]

Narcissism??? Huh? I’m confused.

Narcissism has become more and more of a cultural buzzword to the point where I think a lot of people are basically just confused now or throwing the word around. I even heard it on a TV show last night where the superhero villain is talking about his narcissism and how he’s alone because of […]

Everything to Everyone

You could say that some of us are more naturally inclined to give and others a little more inclined to take. With practice and over time throughout the lifespan this tendency can grow and either develop further or possibly lessen. The picture to the left shows a general image for reflection with a ‘giver’ and […]

The Lies We Tell

What is a lie? Is it sometimes a matter of perspective and opinion or more than that? What about the lies we tell ourselves and communicate to others? A lie is a mistruth, it’s asserting something to be true, when it’s false. This is done with the purpose of deceiving someone…even if that someone is […]

Acceptance and Surrender

What does acceptance and surrender mean to you? Does it sound like being ok with an awful situation, or accepting abuse and poor treatment? Acceptance, in my mind, means surrendering to the current facts of a situation. Instead of fighting, pulling away, being in denial or rejecting the current state of reality… just acknowledge it. […]

What I Eat Matters??

An area of mental health which in my opinion, is largely ignored or not sufficiently recognized is the connection between mental wellbeing, diet and nutrition. I’m not exactly sure why there is this disconnect, but it’s definitely there. We are not trained in any experience I’ve ever had to help clients with making sure they […]

Managing Stress

Stress is one of those strange things that we all know what it means to some extent just from experience, but what is it really? Does it feel like anxiety, pressure, fear…heaviness? …What is it? Why does it even happen? Stress can become a habit, a way of living, or it can be maybe something […]

The Struggle

It can seem like life is a tough struggle sometimes. We don’t always know why or for what reason, but it can seem hard. The things that used to bring you joy just don’t anymore and it seems like everyday is a new problem to manage or deal with. It may even seem like life […]

Getting Organized

What does getting organized mean to you? Does it mean strict, stringent structure? Or something else? And why does it even matter? Organization in my opinion, in its essence, means creating a balance. It is creating a balance between a sense of structure and timing, and also an openness and flow to living. Organization means […]

May You Feel Peaceful and Content

May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. […]