Group Therapy

Sarah’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of resilience and a steadfast commitment to personal growth. Her life has been marked by a series of profound experiences that range from the complexities of family dynamics and tumultuous relationships to the deeply personal struggles with addiction and eating disorders. In the face of these challenges, Sarah’s steady spirit and determination to navigate adversity reflect a profound wisdom that transcends the boundaries of personal tribulations. 
In addition to her journey, Sarah’s commitment to growth manifests in her extensive professional work as a mental health therapist and social worker. Her dedication to supporting victims and survivors of violence, poverty, and trauma positions her at the intersection of compassion and adversity. Yet, her journey in the professional realm hasn’t been without its trials, as she has faced harassment from traffickers and perpetrators while championing the cause of those she seeks to help. Sarah’s experiences, both personal and professional, weave together to create a narrative of resilience, compassion, and an unyielding commitment to growth that inspires those who cross paths with her story.