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First Law of Attraction Show

Hello and welcome to the first Law of Attraction show. I would like to start off by saying I’m so excited to be here today, and I can’t wait to get started with this show and whatever direction this may all go. A little bit about me, I have my own private therapy and coaching practice, I am also a writer and a teacher and I have worked in the past as an advocate. I also work in multiple humanitarian projects. I created Happiness Learned and just published my first book, “You are Love: The Discovery of Happiness” But overall, I focus on compassion and happiness in everything I do, every day and try to live on a moment-to-moment basis for everything I do. I try to practice absolute mindfulness to see the reality of the world most clearly and not get lost in itJ

I feel it’s always important to go off intuition, feelings and intention. Whenever you feel there is something you want to shift to, to have a better life, or a more authentic life…why?

I have personally found that the most powerful form of attracting the things that bring the greatest joy is to go from a place of service and to not see other things, people and experiences as separate from the self, but rather another expression of self. One of my favorite quotes is You are me and I am You, I see You in Me and I see myself in You…How can there be separation there?? Only the center I is there. —Gajraj Delbehera

If you have watched law of attraction movies or things like the Secret, I found it very inspirational and a fantastic foundation and base for things I had already practiced since I was young. The first step with attracting what you’d like, is to understand your intention first of all. What is your intention? Or greatest desire at the moment?

Is it to have more money? Is it to have better health? Better relationships? To be happy? Is it just to know what you want because you feel so confused? Is it clarity? All of the above lol

Ok then second, I want you to take a moment right now and close your eyes and go within for a few moments. Let’s take the example of money for example, or whatever it is, I want you to look at the feeling you have around it. Is there fear? Anger, sadness, hurt? What is the emotion you have right now?

I would like you to non-judgmentally observe what emotion it is and feel it non-judgmentally.

Then I will bring up an image for you to look at with a variety of areas with emotion. Please look at it now. Where on the chart do you feel this thing, you want is? When you think about your situation with money are you in the red zone? How much are you in the red zone?

Your emotions are actually very powerful, they are energy and this energy creates motion and direction. If you don’t know how you feel, that is ok too, it is all about practice. Our society tends to promote being less feeling focused and more ‘logically’ focused or to react in certain ways. For example, if you are in debt that means you should feel depressed (or something like that for example), but does it mean that actually? Or logically it means you need to work harder to make more money and cut down expenses, but does it?

Could that debt be oddly inspirational? Could it help you to let go at a much deeper level than ever before and feel free of old patterns and ways of functioning?

What if, even deeper, we can take a step back with some detachment and witness or observe our feeling in relation to the thing you are feeling and think, hmmm, like a menu selection, what do I want to feel about this thing I am wanting?

Now I’d like you to go to the chart and look at the different items, what do you want to feel about this thing you are wanting?
You might be thinking, Sara, do you mean when I have the thing I want, how will I feel? Imagine how I will feel as if I already have it?

“No, that’s not what I mean actually. What I mean is, like choosing on a menu how you want to feel, what do you want to feel about the thing you want, right now?”

Do you want to feel at peace, in harmony, excited…or maybe you don’t even know because you are so stuck on feeling upset about it and can only imagine bad feelings about it.

Sometimes we are afraid to let go of the negative or painful emotions around something because it is familiar, we grew up with it, we are so well practiced with our neuropathways, or because we think it’s painful but if I get the thing I want it will go away finally.

Well…it may go away but probably only temporarily. This is largely because what we practice is what we get very very good at. It also creates neuropathways that become ingrained and so we are literally having to redo patterns we have. We are reworking patterns.

If it’s too hard, maybe try imagining you are someone else, you are a different person struggling with this.

Now, I want you to try to choose something on the chart that is from the blue zone or maybe an emotion similar to ones in the blue zone.

Ok, even if it seems irrelevant to the thing you are wanting, I want you to try to focus on ways to generate that emotion in some small ways every day. So for example, if you want to feel peace around money, focus on small ways you can create more peace in your life everyday right now. Another way of doing this is to provide someone else with the thing you are wanting to experience. So if you want more peace, can you do small activities to help bring peace to others? If you are very anxious about money and debt, even if it might seem counter-intuitive, can you donate even 50 cents to someone else?

Part of this is shifting from the victim mindset to more of a giver mindset. A giver always has more than enough and can find a way to give what is needed. Also, what we give, we have to somehow generate in ourselves even in a small way. For example, if you want to be loving to your pet, you have to generate some love within yourself to give to the pet first. By generating it with yourself, it actually comes through you and you experience love tooJ

So this is all for todayJ I hope you enjoyed it and it gave you something to reflect on and have a little more insight onJ I look forward to the next show!

“If you have not found the purpose you are willing to die for, your life is not worth living.” -MLKJ

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