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Freedom From Programs 

One of the important things to understand about our wellness and wellbeing is that it is intimately tied to our beliefs. But how do you even identify and see your beliefs? If something just seems like reality to you it can be hard to question it. It’s like if you were a fish in a fish bowl, how would you know you are in water? The water is all you know so it is hard to understand anything different from this. Water isn’t water to you, it’s just something you are in. Unfortunately, beliefs are very much the same way. When we are immersed in beliefs, we don’t even know they are happening to us in many ways. It’s like a lens that you are viewing the world from. For example, if you feel the world is a hard and terrible place, this is the lens and perspective you see the world from. It will seem that way to you because of that perspective. If you feel that everyone is evil and out for themselves, it will generally be the way you are seeing things. Of course, you may encounter some exceptions to this but if your beliefs are strong, you are likely to disregard them. You could almost say that we are all living in our own little worlds to some degree
Another way of visualizing this is to imagine that you are in a snow globe and the fake snowflakes that are all around and taking up the snowglobe are your beliefs creating your reality. When the beliefs can be identified and let go or detached from, you begin to see more clearly. Our beliefs are kind of like the patterns and programs that run over and over. Or another analogy could be to understand our beliefs in the form of software programming. Our software programs are belief systems and patterned ways of thinking and you could say the computer hard drive is our blank aware conscious that processes the software.

So, this begs the question, what software programs do you want on your hard drive?

The first step to this is to understand what programs (or beliefs) you are currently running from and where these even came from? One of the most common things I come across in work with clients is people feeling inadequate and not enough or worthy. They feel they need to work hard, ‘haven’t made it,’ and are inadequate. This is absolute crap, and literally creates this weakened reality state. In much of the world, we are exposed to thousands of advertisements and messages a day through all kind of media. This works to create a type of subconscious hypnotherapy over us, a sort of dark psychology of messaging. Do you think babies are just born thinking they are unworthy and not enough? Probably not, they probably don’t even know what’s going on…BUT they learn and absorb like a sponge everything around them in their environment so they can make sense of the world and survive.

Over years and decades, we are exposed to programs and belief systems, but guess what -it’s made up! Like how did the 9-5pm get created? It’s made up. So, I want to challenge you today to reflect on what are normal beliefs of who you are and how you view the world. What would you like to believe?

Another way of understanding this is to imagine your life as you would like it to be, what does that version of you look and feel like? What is their situation? How is their energy or perspective different from your own?

Then ask yourself, how can I start to shift into this version of myself? Almost like a shifting energetically into this alter form of you. Imagine now, 3, 2 and 1 you are shifting into this new you. It’s still you, but a you that feels and experiences the world differently.

THIS is a very powerful way to shift into the life you want. It starts within you. You can say things you want will be attracted to you this way. But also it could be that you are shifting into a different energetic reality where the factors have changed. If there is another ‘world’ you could live in or want to live in, what would that possibly be? Sending love to yourself, take a step to shift over there <3

With so much Love to you!! This is Dr. Sara Spowart with Happiness Learned

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