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Getting Out of The Way 

Getting yourself out of the way and being in a state of flow. What does it take to get yourself out of the way and have a connection to pure source and energy? In order to create the life you want and have more connection to source, it’s important to have your ego self out of the way. This is generally a bit confusing to understand what ego means, but essentially, it’s the programming we have that gets in the way of understanding our interconnectedness and larger part of all that is.

How can I get myself out of the way enough to bring more wealth and prosperity into my life?

By going into a state of flow, or service, or some kind of state of mind where ‘you’ are not stuck in your head or focused on yourself, you naturally get out of your own way. This is a wonderful state of creativity and flow for receiving. When we get ourselves out of the way, we create a space where new things can be created and come through. We get the flurry of our own energy and the wall of our own patterns and thought processes out of the way so that new things can come through. We want things but we get in our own way about them with our patterns and processes. It has been said that narcissists and people that are self-centered get everything they want and get to the top (so to speak). But in reality, when you are too focused on yourself you actually suffer a lot. Also, you block connection and the possibilities of what could come through into your life. When you are too focused on yourself and your own very limited self-centered perspective, you miss like 99.9% of what’s actually going on and what can be let into your life and world. Also, everything is ultimately harder when you are too self-focused. There is greater fragility, fear and concern about being hurt, change and anything that might impact you. The more self-focused you are, the more fragile, fearful and easy to be destroyed you are. The more you can expand your vision to include much more than yourself and that you see yourself in others and in something like a greater purpose, the more resilient, strong, open, compassionate and unbreakable you feel.

Why do we get in our own way when we want something?

When we want something, we can activate our ego to try to force or pressure it to happen. Another reason is that maybe the thing we’re wanting is not really right for us or maybe we don’t authentically want it but are wanting it for some other reason. When you want something, maybe ask yourself the simple question of “Why?” “Why do you want this, or think you want it? What purpose is it for?” If we don’t have pure intention and connection to what we are wanting, we can get in our own way. Or if we have doubt that we can have what we want, why do we doubt? Sometimes by getting out of our own way it helps us to not doubt.

First ask yourself, why do you want this? What is the purpose?

Why are we afraid of the unknown even when we are unhappy in our current situation?

We tend towards what is familiar and known, because even if we don’t prefer it, it’s familiar. Familiar means safe and that you will survive your situation. Unknown means potentially dangerous and you could experience harm because you don’t know what is ahead for you. Our ancestors survived largely by having higher anxiety, and sticking to what they know and is known. Sticking to the familiar, even though it might not be what you want, is also familiar and no matter how awful, is reliable and dependable. It takes courage to break away from the norm and open up to something new that could be scary.
How to normalize something new that is wanted:

A good test to do is to ask if the thing you want happened now how would you feel? If it happened in 1 month, 1 year, 2 years, etc.? What feels like the right timing to you? If there is something you’re wanting, and I told you that you could have it tomorrow, or in a week and you feel afraid or uncomfortable, is it possible some part of you is blocking it? What would it take to normalize the thing you’re wanting and to shift to a state where you feel comfortable receiving it, or on some level you already have it.

So try to make something that is wanted but unfamiliar, familiar. How do you do that? You can visualize yourself in the wanted situation. You can write, do audios, talk about it as if its already happening, watch videos and look at pictures to all help normalize the unfamiliar.

Whatever you most want and are hoping for, normalize it! If you want $1 million, normalize having $1 million! If you want to be married with children, normalize having a family! Transcend the space from it being unfamiliar and not in your life, to familiar and in your life, if only in your mind and feelings. This is one of the fastest ways to transition from where you are to where you want to be.

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