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Pulling Your Energy Back In 

I get a lot of questions from clients on how to create the life they’d like for themselves. Part of this starts with deciding to commit to taking all your energy back in so that you have the fullest level of power and strength to attract or manifest what it is you are trying to do.

What do I mean by this? Well, a good first question to explore might be to examine where your consciousness and focus is at a lot of the time. Let’s try something…take a deep breath in and out and close your eyes. Take a deep breath again and as I count down from 3 to 1 feeling more and more relaxed and calm. 3, deeper and deeper, 2, more relaxed, and 1. Now just noticing, like an observer, what thoughts, emotions or physical sensations you are having. Notice, like a flashlight that is directing consciousness and wherever it is flashing its light at, illuminates it and brings it forward into the awareness and ability to see…what is there. Are you having negative thoughts, positive, racing, empty? Are you feeling full of energy or low energy? What do you notice? Knowing you are not the thoughts, feelings or sensations but rather the observer and experiencer of those things.

The flashlight of awareness brings awareness to different elements. Without the flashlight, there is nothing to see or bring in or attract.

So why does this matter? It matters because if your ‘flashlight’ is focused in a lot of different directions, you are fragmenting your energy. You are fragmenting your consciousness. What if you were able to bring your awareness or conscious in right now. Just bring it back. Imagine again closing your eyes, and count down from 3, 2, and 1- bring back all your energy and power now! Bring yourself into the present moment now! Bring all your awareness and being into this moment now!

When we are in the present moment, we are bringing all of our awareness back, we are bringing our power back. When we are fully in ourself and bring all of our power of focus back to us and are not fragmented in many different directions, we are able to manifest and attract what we are wanting much more easily. We have our power back. When we are fragmented in many directions, we lose our power. When we command our power to come back to us, we are in an incredible state that makes it much easier to focus exactly on what we want.
Ok, so what are some other ways to make this happen?
Well, it makes a big difference if you are able to put yourself in environments or situations that help promote more calmness and single-minded focus. Being in nature, doing exercise, doing things to help cycle interruption, like yoga, helps us to be more in the moment.

Also, think about times when/if you’ve been able to be present or feel like all of your awareness was coming in to you. What positive outliers have been positive and worked for you? What experiences have occurred where you feel your focus is not fragmented, but has all come back to you? Maybe try to repeat that?

If you feel bombarded by negative fragmented thoughts, maybe try other things such as volunteering, helping others, doing something different. Whatever is healthy but helps you get out of your mind and repetitive thinking is a good way to go. The goal is to stop the scattered cycles that fragment your focus and power.

Bring your focus and power back to you, learn to place your attention on what you want. Learn that you can place your attention in different ways and different places.

I look forward to hearing how it goes! Much Love, Dr. Sara

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