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Suffering and the way out of suffering 

Since I was a child, I have tried to understand suffering and the causes of suffering. I have tried to make sense of what I see all around me and what is happening. I suppose it seemed to me that everyone ‘should’ be happy, healthy and feeling whole. But when I looked around me, this was not the case. Life did not seem to be the way it should be. There was a major gap between what people felt should be their experience and what was exactly their experience.

But why this gap? What purpose did it serve? It could be to motivate you to move ahead and press forward or to reflect and have insight or even question the energetics of your situation. When I was a kid, I remember finding some ‘strange’ book in one of my school libraries that talked about ESP and ideas like quantum jumping and shifting into who you want to be. The books were a bit clunky and odd, but I remember thinking, there might be something to this. I could sense and feel the unhappiness and pain around me, and I remember thinking maybe there are other versions of ourself we think we’re supposed to be and we are sad we can’t get there.

As I got older, I forgot a lot of this but came back to it with some hypnotherapy modalities I experienced and learned. Since then, I have learned the power of the subconscious with how our lives play out, but also the power of the loops and reactions we get caught in. Part of why it can be difficult to attract or manifest the life situation or thing we want is because we haven’t shifted to that thing being the new norm. Have you ever seen with lottery winners that they end up going through all the money they win and end up in the same place or worse by the end? They had not energetically shifted into someone that could handle that amount of money in a sustainable way. Maybe they had shifted into someone that connected with winning money and having it temporarily. But it’s another thing entirely to know and be aligned with managing large sums of money. You would need to rapidly shift into that type of person that could handle large sums of money well. Obtaining it is just one part. Also, things that seem very positive can also become destructive if not applied in a wise way. Let’s say someone has childhood trauma and issues with indulging in alcohol in their free time. If they won the lottery and didn’t have to go to work or function responsibly anymore, it could turn into severe alcohol abuse and other problems, on top of going through all the money.

In many situations, we first need to energetically, emotionally and mentally shift into the version we are wanting to be before we physically shift.

Some questions to consider:

1. I am stuck in my life- I feel completely trapped like there’s nothing I can do to change anything. How can I help myself out of suffering? What can I do to change anything in my situation it is hell.

This is the kind of thing I come across in everyday occurrences and interactions with not only clients but also in everyday life. This feeling of being stuck and not being able to make any real changes in your life. In fact, in some cultures and religions, hell and the greatest levels of torment and suffering are expressed by being stuck, weighed down and unable to move. You are trapped in place and there is nothing that can really be done about it. A state of being totally unable to move.

What I have seen from my direct experience to help is to first try to make very small baby step changes whenever you can. But that being said, it’s also important to understand the most effective approach to make some changes. For example, if you want more love in your life and your approach has been to try countless dating apps and dates. It’s not that you haven’t been trying, but maybe the approach needs to be done differently. And we can alter the approach with small steps. Maybe it’s worthwhile to take a look at how you are interacting, how others may be perceiving you. Another kind of good rule of thumb is to ask yourself the question…would you want to date you now? Are there things you can work on or make adjustments or improvements in?

This type of self-reflection is not meant to cause any sense of blame or fault finding. Rather, it is meant to help empower us so we can change the narrative that we are stuck or trapped and there is nothing that can be done.

But that being said sometimes self-inquiry and self-adjustments aren’t going to do the trick. Sometimes we need something stronger. Another approach is to try to focus on cultivating a higher energy/vibration state within yourself every day. How can you do this? Well one way is pure attention, try to notice everyday how compassionate you are being, how loving, how peaceful. Try to identify, if you were NOT STUCK, what emotional/energetic state you’d be in? Maybe it’s symbolized by a new house, or new partner, or new job. But try to think first what you would feel like already if you had it. Start from the end actually, not where you are. But start with the energetics first.

If you’re not even sure what you are wanting, you just know you want to feel better. This may sound simple but you can rate everyday how happy you are feeling, or how peaceful, or loving, etc. Just by noticing from 1-10 how you are feeling, that are starts to shift things. It’s like moving a rutter on a very large ship. You have to start somewhere, and noticing will automatically start to bring changes. This is because you are differentiating yourself, however small, from the experience and when you notice how you are doing, you are becoming the observer of this and that alone shifts the energetic momentum.

With so much Love to you!! This is Dr. Sara Spowart with Happiness Learned

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